How To Advance Your Career Using Social Media


One thing you have likely heard before is that social media can harm your career. We’ve even written a previous blog post about it! However, you might not have heard the opposite. You can help advance your career using social media. Social media, if used intelligently and in moderation, can be a great tool to…

Phone Interview Tips To Make The Best Impression Possible


The job search landscape has changed drastically over the last several months. Even with businesses reopening and employees returning to work, the way things used to work still hasn’t quite returned yet. Some changes may even be permanent. One of those changes is in the way job seekers interact with prospective employers. The phone interview…

What You Should and Shouldn’t Do After the Interview


Have you ever left an interview wondering what you should do next? Don’t worry. Many people don’t know what to do when they reach this step in the job search process. Sometimes, the interview follow-up is just as important as the interview itself. What you do during this time can just as easily sway a…

Drop These 5 Bad Habits to Give Your Interviews a Boost


During an interview, few things are more crucial than the first impression. The first few seconds of meeting the interviewer is one of the greatest opportunities to show them who you are as a person, as well as what you intend on bringing to their company. This first impression can make or break the interview,…

6 Ways You Can Prepare for Interview Questions


The interview is one of the most vital steps in the job-searching process. This is the moment that you have a foot in the door, and you’re looking to impress the right people. Unfortunately, many people still treat interviews the same way they would treat a coffee break with friends. They show up, expecting a…

How to Make a Rebound After Losing Your Job


Losing your job can be a difficult thing to recover from. It is natural to feel defeated after you’ve lost something you’ve depended on. However, in this crucial time in-between jobs, it is important to not lose hope and to keep a positive outlook. In order to make that ever-important rebound happen, there are a…

How You Should Prepare for Interviews the Night Before


Many job seekers don’t prepare for interviews as much as they should. If you want to make a good impression in your interviews, make sure you take the time to fully prepare for it. Wondering how you might go about this? Here is a list of things to think about the night before.   ©…

4 Possible Reasons Why Your Job Search Isn’t Working


While on the job search, you may have encountered many different setbacks, and you aren’t sure what went wrong. Job searching is, unfortunately, a complicated process with several different things going on all at once. Getting one of these things wrong can disrupt the rest, and that doesn’t do you any favors. If you’re struggling…

5 Tips to Help You Find The Best Jobs in 2020


New Years is one of the best times to find a new job. Employers are reevaluating their yearly budgets and opening new positions to meet first-quarter demands. If you want an industry shift, better benefits, or just a change of scenery, the new year is the best time to get it. Here are some tips…

What Temp to Hire Jobs Can Do For Your Career


Temporary-to-hire jobs are increasing in popularity among light industrial companies. Employers want to be able to give temporary employees a chance to become full-time employees, and these kinds of positions are the perfect way to do this. The term may be intimidating or mysterious at first, especially on a job listing. However, if you’re in…