How to Make a Rebound After Losing Your Job


Losing your job can be a difficult thing to recover from. It is natural to feel defeated after you’ve lost something you’ve depended on. However, in this crucial time in-between jobs, it is important to not lose hope and to keep a positive outlook. In order to make that ever-important rebound happen, there are a…

How To Tell When A New Job Might Be Just What You Need


If you’re thinking about getting a new job, it’s also important to think about why. Sometimes, the reasons for needing a new job are as plain as day. Other times, not so much. We’re here to help you nail down those reasons. That way, you don’t switch jobs for the wrong reasons.   © Korn…

How You Should Prepare for Interviews the Night Before


Many job seekers don’t prepare for interviews as much as they should. If you want to make a good impression in your interviews, make sure you take the time to fully prepare for it. Wondering how you might go about this? Here is a list of things to think about the night before.   ©…

4 Possible Reasons Why Your Job Search Isn’t Working


While on the job search, you may have encountered many different setbacks, and you aren’t sure what went wrong. Job searching is, unfortunately, a complicated process with several different things going on all at once. Getting one of these things wrong can disrupt the rest, and that doesn’t do you any favors. If you’re struggling…

5 Tips to Help You Find The Best Jobs in 2020


New Years is one of the best times to find a new job. Employers are reevaluating their yearly budgets and opening new positions to meet first-quarter demands. If you want an industry shift, better benefits, or just a change of scenery, the new year is the best time to get it. Here are some tips…

The Best Seasonal Jobs to Work In Over The Holidays


There are many benefits to working a seasonal job. Seasonal work is growing in popularity, and more and more companies are turning to temporary workers to get the job done. If you’re looking for some extra work, or you need a job right now, here are some great seasonal work that can make you some…

4 Career-Changing Things You Should Know About Yourself


Even if you already have a job, you should be paying attention to your career. Careers are more than jobs. They are also about learning and growing as a person. The process of learning and growing comes with understanding who you are as a person and what you bring to the table. In order to…

How to Make Sure Your Resume Gets Read


Creating a resume is one thing. Creating a resume that gets read is another. You may be tempted to use the first resume template you can find and copy/paste. However, that might not give you the results you need to stand out. We’re here to give you a leg up and help you make sure…

Hate Your Job? Don’t Count Yourself Out


People who hate their jobs are more common than we might think. You might be one of them, sitting there reading this, thinking you’re ready to quit. You just can’t take it anymore. It’s the work, the co-workers, the boss, the company. Hold on. Before you make any permanent decisions to quit and make a…

What to Expect When Looking to Start a New Warehouse Job


The warehouse industry is always growing and is always searching for new workers. It isn’t because of high turnover or poor pay, either. Warehouse jobs are high-paying, labor-intensive jobs that require little experience to get started. Warehouse employees have plenty of room to grow, earn more, and get promoted. Interested in a warehouse job? Are…