3 Simple Things You Can Do to Maintain Work-Life Balance


For industrial sector workers, work-life balance can be a hard thing to achieve. Between crazy work hours, overtime, shift changes, and the nature of the work, striking a golden balance can take some work. However, there are some simple things you can do that will help put you on the path to finding peace in…

Social Media Can Harm Your Chances at Getting a Job


Ever browsed your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram feeds and wondered, “Wow! Why did they post that? That’s going to come back to bite them later.” There is more truth to that than you know! Many companies and hiring managers these days inspect potential job candidates’ social media pages for possible red flags. Given that social…

Putting In Notice: How to Resign From Your Job on a High Note


Many years ago, working at the same company for your entire life up until retirement was the norm. Now, times have changed. You might find yourself in a position where you must leave your job to move on to bigger and better things. We understand: putting in notice is tough, especially if you really like…

Job Searching Disappointments Can Help You Improve For The Future


Job searching can be mentally taxing sometimes, especially if you have faced many rejections or mishaps along the way. Whether you are job searching on your own or working with a recruitment agency, there is always something to learn for the future. Remembering what you’ve learned, and applying them on the next go-around, can mean…

How to Deal With Stress in a Stressful Workplace


We’re all impacted by stress. Stress is a great motivator, but it can also be dangerous to your health and your career. Read these important ways of how to deal with your stress and apply them to your daily routine!   © deagreez / Adobe Stock Find out where stress comes from Stress can sometimes…

Looking For Work After a Long Break? Here’s What You Should Keep In Mind


The Job Market is Always Changing Even if you’re just toying around with the idea of looking for a job, always keep this in the back of your mind. If you’ve been recently laid off from a job you’ve held for years, and you just don’t know what’s going to happen next, always remember that…

4 Unconventional Ways to Improve Your Workday


Ever feel like you just can’t get on top of your workload? You have tasks and projects that are weighing you down, or you have preparations to make for the next day. These things are bogging you down and you seem to fall behind every day. If you find that you’re having difficulty keeping up,…

3 Underrated Soft Skills Every Professional Should Have (Video)


In a previous blog post, we discussed why soft skills are equally as important to your career as hard skills. We provided several examples of soft skills that employees should practice learning in order to succeed in work. These were Listening, Negotiation, Nonverbal Communication, Adaptability, Willingness to Learn, Logic, Conflict Resolution, Delegation, and Decision Making. In…

Make a Good First Impression on Your First Day of Work


The ball is in your court on your first day of the job. It doesn’t matter where you work: warehouse, kitchen, office, or anywhere. The first day is your first opportunity to put your best foot forward. You want your employer to feel comfortable with you, and you want to get along with your co-workers.…

Soft Skills: What You Might Be Missing at Work


Soft skills are just as important in the workplace as hard skills. However, they are just as difficult to master and use effectively as anything else you might be doing at your job. We’re here to tell you about some of the most important soft skills you can practice every day, that will help you…