How to Make Your Temporary Employees Feel Welcome
When part of your workforce is composed of temporary workers, you may experience some friction, or lack of cooperation, between your temps and full-time employees. Taking care of all your employees, regardless of status, will ensure your business is running smoothly. It will also help you establish a good, or better, reputation in the industry as a company that takes care of their temps. Follow these tips to keep your business running smoothly.

Onboarding Temporary Employees
Ensure that you have an onboarding procedure in place for your temporary workers. If you have one for your full-time employees, you should also have one for temps as well. Just because they may be leaving in a few weeks doesn’t mean you should skip this step. It will help your temporary employees get comfortable and it ensures them that you care about them. Yes, it may take time away from other tasks, but it is well worth the effort.
You should take them around your facilities, show them important places of interest or importance, review safety guidelines as needed, and introduce them to key personnel. Afterwards, establish a meeting place where you can discuss their duties in-depth.
Partner Up Employees
Designate full-time workers to partner up with temporary workers. This can serve multiple purposes beyond the obvious.
- It gives your temporary employees someone they can go to for questions or assistance. Giving them a concrete person to ask for help will give them the confidence to ask when they really need it, instead of wondering who the right person is.
- It gives all of your employees an opportunity to get to know each other. Regardless of assignment length, your employees should get along to maintain productivity. Pairing up employees will help them find common ground and break the ice.
- It may also help you see potential leadership in your current full-time employees. If you find that one of your warehouse workers, for example, is excelling at helping your temps fit in, they might be a great candidate for another leadership position, such as foreman.
Touch Base Frequently
Every day, you should check in with your temporary employees to make sure everything is going smoothly. Ensure that they feel supported and comfortable in the new job. Resolve any issues that arise and make sure your temps feel welcome and encouraged. Ideally this should occur once per day, if possible. After some time has passed, check in on them as needed.
Want to bolster your temporary workforce? Contact us today to see how we can help!