How to Improve Candidate Experience During the Hiring Process


The hiring process is a critical touchpoint for potential employees, where mistakes can happen at nearly every juncture. A smooth, engaging candidate experience not only attracts top talent but also sets the tone for their future with the company. If you’re someone who screens or interviews candidates at your company, you play a pivotal role…

Tackling Staffing Shortages in Manufacturing


Manufacturing is one of the pillars of the global economy, but many businesses are currently grappling with significant staffing shortages. The consequences of these shortages are far-reaching, impacting productivity, innovation, and the ability to meet customer demand. Tackling staffing shortages will be an ongoing issue for most manufacturing companies for the foreseeable future. As a…

Maximizing Efficiency in Manufacturing: Strategies for Success


In the fast-paced world of manufacturing, chasing efficiency goals is always one of the top priorities. Adopting effective strategies to streamline operations is crucial. This blog post will explore three key areas – technology, talent management, and the supply chain – and provide actionable insights to help you maximize efficiency in your manufacturing business.  …

Effective Strategies for Managing a Diverse Workforce


As a new manager, it is inevitable that you will encounter a diverse workforce with employees from various backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. Managing a diverse workforce effectively is essential for fostering a team-oriented and productive work environment. In this blog post, we will explore key strategies to help you keep employees satisfied, ensure workplace safety,…

How To Efficiently Evaluate And Review Resumes


As a hiring manager, you know too well that being able to evaluate and review resumes is a priceless skill. Not only does the process take time, but key elements can be missed along the way if you’re not careful. Missing these elements can have potentially worrisome effects throughout your hiring efforts, as well as…

Why You Should Partner With a Staffing Agency in 2020


Finding the right person for your business’ needs is never something you should take lightly. Finding the ideal candidate might take too long. It may also lead to a bad hire, and it could cost your company thousands of dollars and waste hundreds of hours of productivity. We don’t want that to happen! If you’ve…

Staff Retention: Why It Matters and What You Should Do


In the current competitive labor market, finding the right employees can be a big hassle. Because of this, it might be a good idea to shift focus to retention efforts and keep staff turnover low.   © fizkes / Adobe Stock   Staff retention is important because you want to make sure your current employees…

How to Attract Highly Skilled Workers for Your Business


You want the best for your business. Naturally, you want the most-skilled, highly-qualified people to fill your open positions. However, in a competitive economy with many people looking for work, it isn’t easy. Let’s solve your hiring problems together and help you find highly skilled employees for your business.   © pressmaster / Adobe Stock…

Hiring Preparation Mistakes You Need to Avoid


As a business owner or manager, when you have an open position available at your company, you want to make sure you have everything squared away before you start searching for candidates. Inadequate preparation for the process can result in you hiring the wrong person. Before you even start looking for someone, you need to…

Are Temp-to-Hire Positions a Good Fit For Your Business?


If you’ve never had any temp-to-hire positions in your company, there is never a better time than now to learn about all of the benefits and to consider using temp-to-hire workers. “Temp-to-hire” refers to a job created by a company, where an employee works with the possibility of being hired on full-time. At Tempstar Staffing,…