Between Jobs? Do These 5 Things While Job Hunting
Being between jobs is almost always an uncertain time. Fortunately, even though things may seem out of your control right now, it doesn’t have to be that way. While you’re job hunting, there are a few things you can do to keep yourself busy and productive. You might also find yourself learning and increasing your skills along the way. Here are five things you can do while you’re between jobs (that isn’t job hunting).

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Industry research
You can learn a lot about what you like and dislike by doing some industry research. This does not have to be a long process. Just do a few Google searches about industries you might be interested in and find out everything you can about them. After a while, you might be able to narrow down what jobs or places you’d want to work at.
It may also be worth taking a look at company websites within those industries and read about their products or services. Pay attention to the language they use. If you get a chance to interview, use some words or phrases they use in your questions and answers.
In-person networking
For some, meeting new people can be difficult. However, networking with people, especially in person, can open new doors that you never thought about before.
How exactly do you network? Online, it can be as simple as starting relevant conversations with people. Asking questions, engaging, and being friendly is a great start. In person, going to job fairs and meeting representatives from various companies can lead to job offers or solid connections you can use later.
Speak to industry professionals
Whatever industry you want to break into, a part of networking is talking with professionals who know their stuff. If you know a friend’s uncle who works at a company you admire, it would be a great idea to talk to them about what its like.
Even further, if you can talk to the right people, there’s a good chance you can get some pointers about who to talk to about jobs or getting your foot in the door.
Learn something new
Job hunting shouldn’t take up most of your time. Despite how urgent being between jobs is, you shouldn’t ignore the potential behind learning something new. While you’re waiting for responses from applications, take some time to learn as much as you can. You could spend time learning a new skill, studying for an exam, or working towards obtaining a certification. All of these things will help improve your resume and job prospects.
Try temporary work
Of course, none of these things brings home a paycheck or puts food on the table. If you’re struggling to find a permanent job, a temporary job might be a good fit for you. Temp jobs are great for people in-between jobs looking to make money while they’re looking for something permanent.
Temporary jobs are flexible with regards to hours, industry, and pay rates, and in many cases, they can lead to a permanent offer.
Want to give temporary work a try? Call the experts! Contact us today to learn more about temporary jobs and how we can help you with that!