4 Ways Job Hunting Has Changed Over the Years


Because technology changes at a break-neck speed, so does everything else that relies on it. As a result, job hunting has always followed in the footsteps of tech. With the advent of the internet and the ever-expanding need for ease of access, the demand for simple job searching solutions has never been higher. Cell phones…

How to Keep Yourself Organized During Your Job Search


Job searching, especially during a time of high stress, can be difficult to maintain. Whether industrial, skilled trades, or administrative is your goal, staying organized can help keep you from making crucial mistakes. To stay organized, there are a few things you should think about. We have prepared a few organizational tips to help you…

Here’s How to Find Out If You Hired the Right Person


Hiring someone new can be expensive and time consuming. This is why choosing the right candidate can be a stressful process. After bringing someone new onto your team, you want to make sure that you hired them for the right reasons. Even if your interview process was long and intensive, a new hire could turn…

Telling the Difference Between Good and Bad Career Advice


Do you have a career mentor or read career-related blogs online? If you do, you’re on the right track towards making smart decisions in your career. However, sometimes the career advice that mentors or websites provide isn’t always as helpful as it first appears. How can you tell what advice to follow and what advice…

3 Simple Things You Can Do to Maintain Work-Life Balance


For industrial sector workers, work-life balance can be a hard thing to achieve. Between crazy work hours, overtime, shift changes, and the nature of the work, striking a golden balance can take some work. However, there are some simple things you can do that will help put you on the path to finding peace in…