Looking For Work After a Long Break? Here’s What You Should Keep In Mind


The Job Market is Always Changing Even if you’re just toying around with the idea of looking for a job, always keep this in the back of your mind. If you’ve been recently laid off from a job you’ve held for years, and you just don’t know what’s going to happen next, always remember that…

Didn’t Get the Job? Here’s How You Can Rebound From Rejection


Receiving a rejection letter or email from a company you liked can be discouraging. If you were looking forward to the job and thought you had nailed the interview, it can be difficult to rebound. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to spring back positively and potentially leave a good impression for next…

Questions You Shouldn’t Leave Your Interviews Without Asking


Many job seekers believe that the key to a successful job interview is just answering questions posed by the interviewer. However, asking your own questions is also just as important! We want you to enter your interview well-equipped with the tools and strategies you need to succeed. Asking the interviewer several appropriate questions can leave a…

3 Underrated Soft Skills Every Professional Should Have (Video)


In a previous blog post, we discussed why soft skills are equally as important to your career as hard skills. We provided several examples of soft skills that employees should practice learning in order to succeed in work. These were Listening, Negotiation, Nonverbal Communication, Adaptability, Willingness to Learn, Logic, Conflict Resolution, Delegation, and Decision Making. In…

Facebook Job Search Feature: What You Need to Know


In 2017, Facebook launched its own job listing and search feature. Facebook is now one of the leading online job search competitors alongside Indeed, Monster, and Craigslist. We recommend utilizing Facebook’s job search feature as one of your primary job search websites.   How Jobs on Facebook Work If you already have a Facebook account,…

Why Working at a Job You Hate is Important For Career Growth


Have you ever had a job you didn’t like, or hated, or couldn’t wait to quit so you could find something better? Most of us probably have. It isn’t abnormal for someone’s first or first few positions to be too difficult, boring, painful, or miserable. However, these jobs, no matter how bad they may seem…

Resume Reconstruction: 12 Things You Should Remove From Your Resume


Crafting the perfect resume takes patience. A few things can sometimes creep into your resume that could be harmful to your job search and hinder your impact on prospective employers. We’ve made a list of things that you should consider taking out of your resume to make sure that it’s ready to pop in front…

5 Career Tips for Graduates and New Job Seekers


If you just finished high school or are fresh out of college or tech school, you’re probably thinking about what your next steps should be regarding your career. Even with higher education, it still might be pretty tough to find a position that works for you if you don’t have a plan. A common pitfall…

Relocating? Temporary Work is What You Need to Succeed


Relocating is a hassle sometimes, especially if you do not have a job lined up at the place you’re moving to. Sometimes you need to move first before finding a job, which is stressful for everyone who finds themselves in that position. Whether it’s a sudden family illness that requires your care, your spouse’s new…